Sunday, February 26, 2012

Johnny Cash's Psychobilly Cadillac

I know for a fact that over the years many of my readers have been brought great joy when the heard the line “Hello, I’m Johnny Cash” then the opening riff to Folsom Prison Blues.
Since this is a Hot Rod magazine who can forget Johnny Cashes humorous song One Piece at a Time about Johnny Cash “stealing” a one of a kind Psychobilly Cadillac. In honor of today being his 80th Birthday Todays article will be about the Psychobilly Cadillac.
 The Cadillac was built by a mechanic friend of Johnny’s named Bill Patch. Bill and his friends built the car by searching through scrapyards and trying to get the car as close to the one discribed in the song as they could.
Sadly I can’t find much info other than a few pictures and what the song says about the Cadillac but here are the specs. (Most of them are guessed by the songs lyrics).
As for the Psychobilly Caddillac here are the specs
Engine: Cadillac 500 Ci
Transmissioon: Hydra-Matic transmission
Exhaust: Cadillac (or GM) Exhaust between 49 and 73
Body: Well the body is a fortynine, fifty, fifty one, fifty two, fifty three, fifty four, fifty five, fifty six, fifty seven, fifty eight, fifty nine, sixty, sixty one, sixty two, sixty three, sixty four, sixty five, sixty six, sixty seven, sixty eight, sixty nine, seventy body.

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